The adventures of Brian the pug and his devotees.

17 January 2009

Long Time No Post

Things have been a bit quiet over here at The Life of Brian. Ben and I took a last minute trip to the US for the holidays, which was a whirlwind of family, friends, and beer. We had a wonderful time, although we didn't get to catch up with as many friends as we would have liked, due to the last minuteness of the trip, combined with snow and the fact that my cellular telephone bit the dust.

Shortly after Ben and I left Portland, Tinkerbell, my loyal cat for 18 years, left us for that giant food dish in the sky. She lived out the last of her days in comfort and laziness, as any cat should. She will be missed by all that knew her, especially me.

So, once I get back in to the swing of things I should be posting more often. Stay tuned for new sewing and crochet projects, in addition to Brian updates, and a few other things I've got up my sleeve. In the meantime, check out this video of Brian doing his best baby elephant impression.


JJ said...

Sheesh no kidding long time... so sorry to hear about your kitty. That makes me sad. But the pup is cute as a button. I'm looking forward to hearing more about what you're up to and all that. Even if it is just stupid mundane stuff, like the kind I write about.


Josh Cleland said...

She was a wonderful cat and will be missed. Perhaps she and Murphy are up, reminiscing about old times.

As for Brian, Frodo and I have that exact same game.

ARrrrrr said...

I know, I need to update more! I feel like it needs to be exiting. That's the nice thing about blogs, though, if it's boring, you don't have to read it!

I thought Brian was the only weirdo dog that liked that game. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Aw Tink will be missed for sure, indeed she did live a full life, I can hardly imagine her not being around. I think we should put a memorial patch on our BEER RUN 2010 TRACK SUITS!!!!!!!!

ARrrrrr said...

And so it shall be. Design submissions are welcome.