The adventures of Brian the pug and his devotees.

26 February 2014

Snow Betty

Most of the epic snow has melted now. Please enjoy this video of Betty frolicking in the snow, and Brian avoiding it.

18 February 2014


And he is naughtier than ever! Go Honey go!

17 February 2014

Where's Waldo - Pug Version

Can you spot the pug?

Gas will be turned on tomorrow!  I will never take heat for granted again.

16 February 2014

Betty Machete

Betty plotting world domination from her lair.

13 February 2014

Snow Day

The snow was 1 1/2 Bettys high today! 

We've had a fun day in the snow despite the fact that our furnace is broken. The great thing about a broken furnace that it gives us an excuse to curl up by the fire and watch movies.

11 February 2014

Ruby Tuesday

We have two big skylights in the bedroom that I look out first thing in the morning. There is a big tree next to our house and it's fun to watch the changing seasons through the 'picture frame' of the skylight. This morning was especially cold (16F / -9C) and the first thing I saw in the skylight was two little birdies huddling together for warmth. In the photo below, they appear to be only one bird because of how close together they are. My best guess as to their species is Northern Mockingbird, but I would happily be proven wrong by one of the many ornithology experts that read my blog.

Later in the morning, as I was enjoying a delicious cup of coffee (made with a Chemex coffee maker by my own personal barista), I noticed an interesting reflection.

The source of said reflection:

 And then Brian and Betty started frantically chasing the light bouncing off my phone and the peace of the morning was shattered. Anyone care to buy two pre-owned pugs? I'll give you a great price.

And finally, at least one eagle-eyed reader guessed our Halloween costumes correctly. I was dressed as Marie Curie, Ben was Pierre Curie, and the dogs were Radium and Polonium. The cutest radioactive elements I've ever seen. If you look closely, you can see that we were imitating Marie and Pierre post-mortem. For more information on these amazing scientists and how they each met their unfortunate demise, read an encyclopedia. Or visit Wikipedia. Wikipedia: like an encyclopedia, only internettier.*

*Unofficial motto of Wikipedia.

05 February 2014

Guess who's back

After a long blog hiatus it's time to update my hordes of fans with a life update. As most of you know, we've relocated to Northern Virginia. We're braving the cold weather and eagerly anticipating spring. B&B aren't too fond of the snow and ice, especially when they have to wear booties to keep their little toes warm.

 My major interests these days are sewing and pug snuggling. I might get a job eventually to keep myself out of trouble but for the time being I've enjoyed having some time off. I recently took a trip to North Carolina to visit friends. A great time was had by all, as evidenced below. The eight hour train trip was worth every minute.

Although Halloween was ages ago, I know you're dying to know what our family theme was this year...any guesses?? The science-minded amongst you may know. Tune in next time for the answer!
