The adventures of Brian the pug and his devotees.

25 November 2014

Thank you Mood!

A few weeks ago we spent the weekend in New York. It was fab. Short trip,  but we made the most of it. Empire State Building,  9/11 memorial and museum,  the High Line. And that's what we managed to fit in between meals. We had bagels in Brooklyn,  pasta in Little Italy and pizza in Chelsea.
It would be hard to pick a favorite,  but our quick trip to the garment district was definitely a highlight. I even got to visit Mood, the fabric store of Project Runway fame.
Thank you New York for a fantastic trip!
New York has lots of buildings.
Button and needle sculpture in Garment District

Close up of button
Statue in garment district
Swatch the Mood mascot. He is such a sweet dog!
This shop sells just zippers!
The haul! I have already stitched up the brown fabric into a 'flashdance' sweater.